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Click the DONATE link at the top of the page to see the many ways you can donate to this venture! Every dollar helps. You can't donate too much or too little. Every dollar is a smile on a kid’s face!




Would you like to hold an open gym for Grappling for Gifts? Have your people show up to roll and throw in a donation to help the kids of the Children's Hospital of Illinois? I'm looking for some good people to be GFG affiliate schools. Want to make a difference in some kids’ lives? Let’s do it together! I would love to build an army of GFG schools ready to make some great kids happy! Shoot me an email at


book a seminar

This whole venture started off with me asking local jiu-jitsu guys if they would like to do semi-private lessons for donations. Well somewhere along the line I started doing seminars. Basically, I show up to your school and do a 2-hour seminar for a minimum of a $25 donation. Of course, you can donate as much as you want, and with the raffle coming into play a couple years ago, the more you donate, the more chances you get at winning a great prize! Whether you are a traditional martial arts school or a straight BJJ school, let us come in and show you some Peoria-style jiu-jitsu! If you are interested in hosting a seminar with a BJJ black belt with 20 years in the game, shoot me an email at!

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